Barlean’s Greens Reviews
Rank: 5/10.
Description: Barlean’s Greens available in a number of flavors. But this package is a delicious chocolate flavored with 100 % cocoa powder. It consists of more than 50 supplements and superfoods,
It consists of a natural sweetener such as stevia. So there is no artificial sweetener present in Barlean Greens.
Pros: Barlean Greens is Non- GMO, Free from Gluten, Soy, Dairy and it consist full of vegetables.
It consists of antioxidants and dozens of fruits and vegetable supply more valuable nutrients to the body.
Barlean Greens energize and alkalinize the body.
Cons: It tastes sweeter because of stevia. This is not suitable for sweet haters.
It does not disclose proper ingredients and supplements facts.
Recently Barlean Greens formula had changed. Because of this change in formula, this leads to a slight change in taste and the possibility of digestive problems.
Guarantee: No Money Back Guarantee
Price: 29 $
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Product Description.
Barlean’s Greens is the delicious superfood. It consists of cocoa and fruits and vegetables. Cocoa provides the body with more antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables provide the body with nutrients and supplements. It consists of natural plant fiber. These natural plant fiber obtained from chicory and flax seeds.
Who made Barlean’s Greens.
Bruce Barlean and his father Dave in 1989 created the product called organic flax oil with the help of new and innovative technology to press the fresh flax to get highest tasting and high-quality oil. This was the first Barlean product. Barlean makes hundreds of natural supplements and functional foods such as flax oil, fish oil, powdered greens and seed blends. Thus Barlean’s Greens is one of the products of barlean.
Who Needs Barlean’s Greens.
Barlean Greens needed for the person those who would like to live a healthy life. Those who don’t have the opportunity to eat a large number of superfoods. Barlean’s Greens provides all the superfoods in one glass. Thus it acts as a high nutritional and supplements in the diet.
Barlean’s Greens Ingredients.
Organic Green Blend.
The Organic green blend consists of organic oat grass powder, organic wheat grass powder, organic barley grass powder, organic alfalfa powder, organic spinach powder, organic spirulina powder, organic chlorella powder, organic paisley.
Organic Fiber Blend.
The Organic Fibre Blend consists of organic flax seed powder, organic jerusalem artichoke inulin powder.
Organic Anti Oxidant Blend.
The Organic antioxidant blend consists of organic apple juice powder( organic apple and organic rice), organic matcha green tea, organic mulberry powder, organic rosemary powder, organic turmeric powder, organic acerola( organic acerola and organic maltodextrin), organic acai extract( organic acai and organic maltodextrin).
Organic Herbal Tonic Blend.
Organic Schisandra extract, Organic astragalus extract, Organic stevia leaf extract powder( Stevia Rabaudiana).
Barlean’s Greens Benefits.
Organic Oat Grass Powder.
Digestive Health.
Oat grass consists of tricin and rich in antioxidants. It is beneficial for gastrointestinal cramping because it consists of flavone compounds that it exerts a smooth muscle relaxing properties. It prevents constipation because it consists of both soluble and nonsoluble fiber. Nonsoluble fiber not digested by the gut and absorbed into the bloodstream. So it adds bulk to the waste.
Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance in the digestive system because soft and sticky soluble fiber absorbs water. So it helps in easier excretion. Soluble fiber helps in regulate blood sugar level and protect against heart disease because it easily binds with compounds like cholesterol and sugar, and prevents or regulate the absorption of cholesterol and sugar in the bloodstream.
Soluble fiber would increase the good bacteria in the gut. So it leads to an increase in the body’s immunity, anti-inflammatory effects, and the sound mind.
Alkalises The Body.
Oat grass alkalizes the body. Dr. Jerry Tennant in his book “Healing Is Voltage”. He found that cells are designed to operate at -22 mv which is equivalent to alkaline Ph of 7.35. He also found that the acidic Ph depletes the charge of the human cell and alkaline Ph supply electrical charge to the cell. If the cell had more charge, it would give more energy to the body.
The body maintains a Ph of the blood between Ph 7.35 to Ph 7.45. This blood ph level would be difficult to maintain by the body if the intake of more acid-forming food than alkaline foods. This leads to many bad effects on the body. Calcium. magnesium, potassium came out from the bones and teeth because of acid forming food. This leads to Osteoporosis. This weakens the bones.
Because of reduction in ph of blood less than 7.35. It leads to excess storage of acid in the body’s muscles which are the cause of fibromyalgia (muscle pain, fatigue, and sleep disorders). It leads to acidosis if the body’s ph falls below 7.35. If it had further proceeded to chronic acidosis. It corrodes body tissues and interrupts all cellular functions and cellular activities.
Oat grass consists of flavanoid called tricin. It is rich in antioxidant, anti-aging, and cardio-potential properties. Free radicals are formed in the body because of change in lifestyle. pollution and processed food. Free radicals are atom group which lost one electron which is forced to steal an electron from a neighbouring molecule in the body to attain the stable state. This leads to disaster to the body.
Tricin is also a free radical scavenger reduce the aging process and reduce the effects of oxidative stress.
Organic Wheat Grass Powder.
Very high in nutrients and Antioxidants.
Reduce cholesterol.
Help in killing in cancer cells.
Blood sugar regulation.
Maintains a healthy diet.
Reduce appetite because it contains Thylakoid.
Organic Barley Grass Powder.
Organic barley grass powder consists of sodium. This sodium needed by the linings in the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid. This hydrochloric acid helps in the digestion of food. Organic barley grass powder helps in digestion.
Barley grass powder helps in detoxification of the body. It consists of chlorophyll. In plant. chlorophyll helps in food preparation with help of sunlight to plant. But if its intake, it releases oxygen into the bloodstream to detoxify the body. It also improves the immunity system in the body because it consists of vitamin c. Vitamin c fights against bacteria and virus.
It consists of alkalizing nutrients such as potassium and calcium and it also increases good bacteria in the gut.
Organic Alfalfa Powder.
Alfalfa alkalizes and detoxifies the body. It consists of vitamin k. These usually found in liver helps in effective blood clotting. Alfalfa supplies Vitamin K to the liver. It also helps in digestion by increasing good bacteria in the gut. It consists of potassim. Potassium helps to remove water retention in the body
It helps in urinary tract detoxification.
Alkalize The body.
Reduce bad cholesterol
Along with manganese helps in maintaining a healthy sugar level in the body.
Pituitary gland supported by alfalfa.
Organic Spinach Powder.
Spinach is rich in iron, calcium, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
It also acts as anti cancerogenic.
Spinach could be used to treat throat and lung infection.
Spinach prevents absorption of calcium into the body because it contains oxalic acid.
Spinach is rich in iron content.
Organic Spirulina Powder.
Plant Protein.
It consists of 9 essential amino acids with 70% complete protein. These amino acids are absorbed by the body instantly. The Building block of the body is protein. It is used to make muscles, organs, tendons, enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and more. Thus life could not exist without protein. Spirulina is the best plant protein.
Spirulina consists of B-Vitamin which is good for the central nervous system and brain. It improves mental activity and cognitive process. It consists of calcium which is 26 times more than milk. It is easily digested by the body and it is bioavailable because its cell wall made up mucopolysaccharides instead of indigestible cellulose. So it is easily digested by the digestive system of the body.
Spirulina had the excellent antioxidant ability. Because it consists of phycocyanin. This phycocyanin gives blue-green pigment to spirulina. This phycocyanin had excellent antioxidant property and anti-inflammatory property. It improves the immunity of the body. It balances the functions of kidneys and liver by increasing the production of enzymes and biochemicals.
Chlorophyll is present in the plant It helps to prepare plant food with the help of sunlight. It is called photosynthesis. If chlorophyll intake. it oxygenates the blood because chlorophyll and hemoglobin structure is same. The only difference the central atom of hemoglobin is iron and for chlorophyll is magnesium. Thus it helps to oxygenate the blood.
It is also the source of omega fatty acid. It consists of gamma-linolenic acid. It had anti-inflammatory properties. It converts into prostaglandins which helps to reduce impacts of inflammation metabolic abnormalities, cardiovascular disease, lung function, and autoimmune conditions.
Organic Chlorella Powder.
Organic chlorella powder consists of micro and macronutrients. It consists of essential vitamins and minerals. It contains 50% complete protein with 70% net digestible protein. Its main benefits detoxification of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and uranium. So it is safely removed from the body because it is fibrous in nature.
Boosting the immune system.
Prevent radiation poisoning.
Reduction fibromyalgia pain.
Prevent gastric ulcer.
Reduction of blood pressure.
Improvement in insulin resistance,
Improvement of glucose uptake into the cell.
Organic Paisley.
It helps in preventing cancer.
Prevent Diabetes.
Improvement in bone health.
Supplement facts.
Barlean’s greens do not give detailed supplement facts. But they gave partial or non- detailed supplement facts.
Barlean’s Greens Side Effects.
Barlean’s Greens is full of natural ingredients. But it worked perfectly before they changed their formula. But after they changed their formula, one of the Amazon customers reported that he experienced a digestive problem. After stopping this intake of Barlean’s Greens, he got relieved from digestive problems.
Does Barlean Greens scam.
Barlean’s Greens is the legit product on the market. And it had a number of positive reviews on Amazon. So it is not a scam product.
Barlean’s Green Taste.
Barlean’s Greens taste is good because it is flavored with chocolate. and it is available three more taste such as SUPERFRUIT STRAWBERRY KIWI GREENS POWDER, ORGANIC GREEN POWDER NATURAL FLAVOR, ORGANIC BERRY GREENS POWDER.
Barlean’s Greens Quantity.
It is available in 8.46 oz container which is equivalent to 240 grams. 3.44 $ per ounce.
Barlean’s Greens Amazon Customer Reviews.
My Barlean’s Greens Review
Barlean’s Greens is one of the successful products in the market and worked for many of the people. It supplies essential nutrients and antioxidants to the body to live a healthy life. And it had number positive reviews from
They changed their formula and some of the customers experienced digestion and intestine problems. But it had the more positive reviews and experienced a good result by a number of people after they changed their formula. so it does not affect all.
My Final Barlean’s Greens Verdict.
“Adapt Remedy To The Disease.”
The remedy is not artificial. The natural remedy is the best remedy to treat the disease. And live a healthy life. Thus get the natural remedy and live an energetic life. Let’s check out here.